Summer Clover Hay

Our Summer Clover Hay is a perfect mix of stalky and soft catering to the fussy animals


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  • Our Summer Clover Hay is one of the popular hays we supply.
  • It is a mix of Rye Grass, Timothy, Cocksfoot, Sweet Vernal, Vetch and within this is white and red clover flowers.
  • A tasty mix of stalky and soft hay.

This hay is suitable as a main hay feed.

.Use within 12 months

Safety Notice:  It is the responsibility of the owner to assess the suitability of any treat, toy, or other product. Please read instructions, and directions of use carefully. Always supervise your pet whilst playing or eating. Remove the toy if it is damaged, or worn, or if parts become separated, to avoid injury.

.Keep hay in a dry cool place in a sealed container


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